Cyber safety is increasingly not safe. According to a national cyber security technical center, more than 120 thousand cases of Internet safety incidents were recorded in 2015, almost doubling the figure in 2014.
Of all the security breaches, website spoofing, or fake sites that lead Internet users into giving their personal information, is the method most often used. It accounts for some 60 percent of all internet security incidents. Chinese netizens lost some 80 billion yuan in 2015 to various schemes.
And the country's younger web users are particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks, according to a multinational survey. Almost half of the surveyed Chinese high school students said they've had their online passwords stolen at least once. The percentage is much higher than their South Korean and Japanese counterparts.
And some 20 percent of these young Chinese said they had been cheated in online-shopping. Only 65 percent of Chinese students were taught about online safety, the lowest ratio of the polled nations.