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Cartoon Commentary on Xi's Heilongjiang tour ③: Opening new road for development

Editor: Li Kun 丨CCTV.com

05-27-2016 14:25 BJT

By Song Xiongwei, associate Professor, department of politics, China National School of Administration;comics drawn by Liao Tingting

On May 23-25, Chinese President Xi Jinping had visited a number of cities in Heilongjiang province, Northeastern China, including Yichun, Fuyuan, Jiamusi, and Harbin.

He also visited the rural countryside, enterprises, forestry, research institutes, and made inspections on implementation of the 13th Five-year Plan to revitalize northeast China, which is struggling with old industrial bases.

Xi focused on a forestry transition, ecological protections, agricultural cooperatives, technological innovations, and visited ethnic Hezhe villagers. With an emphasis on implementing the five development concepts, he has charted a new road for  revitalizing Heilongjiang and the rest of the northeast region.

The new concepts guide a path for development. China's economy stands at a critical juncture that confronts a development model transfer and structural adjustments, which have been impacting Heilongjiang province.

Yet, opportunities and challenges can co-exist together, requiring hard work, real practices, as well as new skills and thinking.  New green development concepts of innovation, coordination, green, open and sharing can be achieved.

The "new" refers to new ideas in the local community, the development driven by new technology and new environmental optimization. Reform relies on putting ideas into practice. Through determination, we can open a new road for development in the old industrial base in Northeast China.


( The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Panview or CCTV.com. )



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