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Cartoon commentary on Xi's Heilongjiang visit①: Guiding new green development concepts

Editor: Li Kun 丨CCTV.com

05-25-2016 14:43 BJT

By Song Xiongwei, associate Professor, department of politics, China National School of Administration;comics drawn by Chi Ying

On May 23, Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a survey visit to Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province in Northeastern China. He emphasized how ecology is good for resources and productivity. The nation's ecological resources do not hold a dominant advantage, and protecting such resources have a strategic significance.

"A majority of forestry workers had been engaged in logging and supported nation-building and made important contributions to the country. Times have changed. We have to protect the limited forestry resources."

He added, "After full-stop logging, the forestry workers' working and living conditions have always been my concern. There exist many difficulties in the interim. The state will continue to offer support for them. The development of alternative industries would open up a brighter future."

Xi expounded on the significance to protect the ecological environment and implement concepts of green development. As the ancient saying goes, "Proper lumbering in the forest will provide consistent woods forever."

Respecting nature is a simple natural law of development, as well as a reference point for economic transformation. Protecting the environment improves the well-being of future generations. We could not take the development approach of draining the pond to get all the fish and we should not stop exploring a new path of industrial upgrades.

Xi said, "lumbering in the past is necessary. Protections now are also necessary." Only by standing on historical heights, pursuing a long-term perspective, and ensuring development of green concepts into actions can the synchronization upgrading of economic, social and ecological benefits be achieved.


( The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Panview or CCTV.com. )



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