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Refugees struggling to create a better life

Reporter: Kate Parkinson 丨 CCTV.com

05-23-2016 17:24 BJT

Thousands of refugees are living in camps around the Greece-Macedonia border. They face an uncertain future while they struggle to create better life for themselves and their family.

Thousands of refugees from countries like Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan are living in squalid, makeshift camps. They’ve escaped war, poverty, oppression travelled on dangerously overcrowded boats in search of a better life. It’s a story that has a harrowing familiarity now. And scenes like this are being played out around the world in the Africa, Asia, the Middle East and here in Europe. For those involved, life is a daily struggle.

"Go to hell come here. Because here there is nothing. No food, no wash, no nothing. I listen at night to crying just kids crying. It’s very bad," said Syrian refugee Aho Bakir.

While the European counties struggle to agree a united response to the crisis, many refugees are stuck, their future uncertain. The United Nations says no one should have to live like this.

"Action has to be taken now. It had to be taken already some time ago. But now it’s like now. The capacity of those sites should to be increased. We need more sites actually where refugees can go to and at least they can feel safe and they can have access to all of the services and live in a more organised place and live in dignity," said Liene Veide from UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

This is Wajd. She’s 17 years old from Idlib in Syria.

"People have a lot of stress, you know, because they cant stay here more. Small tent. It’s not good for sun. It’s so hot in the morning and too much cold in the evening. So the weather he is so bad. The situation here is so difficult, really," said Wajd.

She tells me that despite the hardships she still has hope for the future. Hope is pretty much all people here have left.

It’s camps like these, people like this, that give the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul a sense of real urgency. The United Nations says the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance has hit record highs and the time has come for world leaders to renew their commitment to humanity, and prevent and end crises.

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