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Balanced diet & regular exercise key to health


05-14-2016 03:56 BJT

Now just what are the tips in China's new dietary guidebook that will help you stay fit and keep the doctor away? Diversity is key. That means eating a balanced combination of all four of the major food groups on a daily basis.

Carbohydrates from grains should supply at least 50 percent of the calories provided by all food groups. Besides fruits and vegetables, which are always an important component, the guidebook recommends dairy and bean products. 

These are said to be helpful in lowering the risks of chronic diseases. The guidebook also recommends an appropriate amount of animal protein. The best choices are said to be poultry and fish, as they have less fat than say pork.  The guidebook clearly states that too much processed meat can increase the risk of cancer. And finally, exercising regularly is as important as eating healthy. Moderate intensity exercising for at least 5 days a week is recommended.

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