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Overseas Chinese firms offer numerous benefits


05-04-2016 02:19 BJT

As Chinese companies expand overseas -- they're hiring locally -- has that led to culture clashes? CCTV recently interviewed foreign employees of ZTE to see what they think about working for China's second largest telco gearmaker.

This is ZTE in Dusseldorf, Germany. Dusseldorf is a town that has become a popular destination for cash-rich Chinese companies, betting their future on German skills and technology. ZTE works with Germany's third largest telecommunications company E-Plus and has purchased one of its subsidiaries. The over 70 million euro deal boosted ZTE's employees in Germany to nearly 1000, making it the largest Chinese company in Europe's largest economy. Mathew Geller, a British expatriate in Germany, is responsible for ZTE's daily operations that range from administration to hiring.

"I was a little worried initially because I've never worked for a Chinese firm. I don't know how to report to the Chinese management. But I was excited too, as I know ZTE is a vigorous company. I joined ZTE from a merger with my old firm, after that, none of our customers noticed any change, everything went smoothly," Geller said.

Geller sees difference between German and Chinese methods.

Flexibility seems to be the most distinct difference felt by the German engineers working for ZTE.

Meanwhile, in a more competitive developing country such as Russia, Chinese ways are seen as more efficient, especially when it comes to expanding market shares. ZTE now accounts for 30 percent of Russia's telecom market. And its rapid expansion has helped many Russians and even Belerusians realise their career ambitions despite economic hardships.

"I think my decision to come and work for ZTE six years ago was correct. From then on, this company has brought many positive changes to my life. Financially, my income doubled from my past job. The company has also sponsored me to complete my MBA. It's a platform full of opportunities for someone's personal career development," said the deputy technology director of ZTE Russia.

Talking about differences, this Belarusian gives a thumbs up to the Chinese-style efficiency.

"The Chinese prioritize efficiency as the number one thing in their work. Before when I worked for a Russian firm, they normally gave us a certain period to finish a task. But the Chinese like to do things faster and finish things in advance. This has pushed me to move forward," said the deputy technology director of ZTE Russia.

ZTE booked 2 billion dollars worth of sales in Russia last year despite the country's plunging currency. The company has gained 10 percent of Russia's highly competitive terminal equipment market as well. Making investments is just the first part of most Chinese companies' global strategies. The companies still need to improve their quality, efficiency and transparency before they can become leading international players.

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