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Cartoon commentary: Xi's USTC visit promotes independent innovations

Editor: 李琨 丨CCTV.com

04-28-2016 13:55 BJT

By Song Xiongwei, associate Professor, department of politics, China National School of Administration;comics drawn by Liao Tingting

On the morning of April 26, President Xi Jinping arrived at the Institute of Advanced Technology, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) and viewed display models of high-tech enterprises' technological achievements.

Xi's stressed that innovation stands as a priority for the nation's five development conceptions. It is not sustainable for China to entirely rely on overseas networks to push its technological innovations. We should promote independent innovations with opening-up.

From the standpoint of a philosophical strategic analysis, Xi endorses innovation and opening-up with dialectical relations and objectives. China's GDP (gross domestic product) ranks second in the world, while a series of developments have benefited from reforms and opening-up that will continue on.

Core technology is a key strength for the nation. The development of cutting-edge and core technology should be based on the principles of independent innovation and self-reliance, which can be achieved by learning from others.

Arrogance and drawing up plans behind closed doors should be avoided. Only independent innovations could promote China's opening up and development and edge its national competitiveness. Pursuing independent innovation breakthroughs by "going global and bringing in" can lead to more sustainable development.


( The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Panview or CCTV.com. )



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