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Moscow-Cairo Group: May reach deal with Syrian gov't


04-22-2016 12:48 BJT

As Syria's Higher Negotiation Committee opposition pulled out of the peace talks, the opposition Moscow-Cairo Group say they will take up the role and may reach an agreement with the government. The head of the Moscow-Cairo Group, Qadri Jamil, was one of the top leaders of the People's Will Party and the Popular Front for Change and Liberation. Jamil has stated that "the slogan "the overthrow of the government" is impractical, unrealistic and useless".

Jamil has also described any western interference in Syrian affairs as an "occupation."  He says dialogue is the only way to settle the crisis.  And he has advocated a "complete change under the leadership of the President Assad".

"The most important thing now is to solve the crisis facing the Syrian people. We need a thorough reform in the fields of economy, politics and society. There are so many disputes on the UN Security Council Resolution concerning President Assad...we need to put all disputes aside now and see in what area we can reach a consensus. Both the Syrian government and the Higher Negotiation Committee say they represent the Syrian people..the fact is that there has been no real and meaningful election in the country over the past five years. Who can represent the Syrian people? This can only be confirmed after a real election. But we are sure that we represent those Syrians who want to step out of suffering and rebuild a peaceful life," Jamil said.

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