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Expert eyes on hot issues: China endorses UN Security Council's sanctions on DPRK

Editor: 李子東 丨CCTV.com

04-07-2016 15:15 BJT

By Gao Haorong, Researcher of Center for World Affairs Studies, Xinhua News Agency

China's Ministry of Commerce announced on April 5 that it would impose embargos on some imports and exports coming to and from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), which marks a step forward on Beijing's measures to implement UN Security Council's resolution on sanctions against the DPRK to demonstrate China's obligations as a responsible major power.

The embargo had listed a specific catalogue of goods that are banned, but clarifying special circumstances that may alter it and the approval procedures for trading with DPRK. Chinese enterprises should abide by the new restrictions. The DPRK had carried out several nuclear tests and missile launchings in January and February, which violated the relevant UN Security Council's resolutions and challenged the international nuclear non-proliferation system.

Pyongyang's actions have aggravated tension on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asian region, which has received unanimous condemnation from the international community. The DPRK deserves to face punitive measures.

Even though the DPRK has expressed defiance, it cannot shake the international community's stance expecting Pyongyang to stick to the nuclear non-proliferation system and to realize denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Pyongyang should reflect on its actions and pay the price.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said at a recent press conference that China and the DPRK were "linked by rivers and mountains, shared weal and woe." The two nations do possess normal diplomatic relations with profound amity and traditions. Beijing values the ties of comradeship that have adhered to such principles.

Beijing maintains its stance of denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and would never yield to the DPRK's nuclear plans. The embargo demonstrates China's resolution. Nevertheless, some foreign media outlets have accused China of "being soft-hearted" on sanctioning the DPRK.

Meanwhile, Beijing said sanctions should not be the objective and cannot solve the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue. There must be a negotiated settlement through dialogue, included in the UN Security Council resolution.

Beijing has put forward a proposal to pursue parallel tracks: denuclearization and replacement of the Korean armistice with a peace agreement. China holds open attitudes towards other proposals if they can bring related parties to the negotiation table, which embody China's equality, fairness and agility.

The Korean Peninsula remains on the verge of a fight. Large-scale joint military exercises conducted by the United States and Republic of Korea have continued on; Washington, Seoul and Tokyo have announced additional severe unilateral sanctions.

Accordingly, the DPRK has launched missiles, long-distance rocket guns and threatened to carry out more nuclear tests and launching activities in retaliation.

The Korean Peninsula situation stands at a critical juncture. Many fragile factors have gotten mixed together, which have led to a more complicated and sensitive situation. It is urgent to prevent the situation from getting out of control. Negotiations should be placed on the agenda, since sanctions itself could make matters worse.


( The opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Panview or CCTV.com. )



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