Apple today rolled out a new iPhone with the look of an iPhone 5s but with specs identical to the flagship iPhone 6s.
Starting at 3,300 yuan, the new iPhone SE can easily cost over 4,000 yuan if you add on extra storage space. While the phone looks the same as the three-year-old iPhone 5s, but its performance has been powered up.
But did people get hooked up with the smaller iPhone? There were mixed reviews.
Despite the mixed responses from shoppers, there are reports saying that over 3 million iPhone SE's have been pre-ordered in China. Still, an Apple authorized retailer, Sunning, told us that only 500 iPhone SE's have been sold in Shanghai as of early this afternoon. A market analyst we spoke to says that while the iPhone SE looks good and does have enhanced performance, small screens may not be the way to go in China's market right now.
Apple SE's screen is 4 inches on the diagonal. Tech review website lists over 2,000 different phone models in China with a screen bigger than 4.4 inches. Only half that number of models are smaller.