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Iran calls for regional collective security treaty

2010-04-26 08:07 BJT

TEHRAN, April 25 (Xinhua) -- An Iranian lawmaker on Sunday called for a collective security treaty among Middle East countries, local satellite Press TV reported.

"The continued presence of foreign military forces in the region has caused insecurity and instability in our region," Kazem Jalali, rapporteur of Iran's Parliament National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, was quoted as saying.

"Under these conditions, Middle East countries, particularly those in the Persian Gulf, should join one another in a collective security treaty to ensure regional safety," said Jalali.

Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) started a series of war games in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz on Thursday, code-named as the Great Messenger 5, to boost vigilance and combat preparedness of its naval forces.

Meanwhile, Iranian officials called for cooperation of regional countries to safeguard the Persian Gulf's security.

"We believe that the security of Persian Gulf needs to be ensured through regional countries' cooperation," Deputy Head of Iran's Armed Forces Headquarters Massoud Jazayeri was quoted as saying by local Fars news agency.


Editor: Zhang Pengfei | Source: Xinhua