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Space shuttle Discovery back on Earth

2010-04-21 09:20 BJT

WASHINGTON, April 20 (Xinhua) -- U.S. space shuttle Discovery landed safely at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Tuesday morning, ending a 15-day resupply mission to the International Space Station.

The Space Shuttle Discovery lands at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida April 20, 2010. (Photo: China Daily/Agencies)
The Space Shuttle Discovery lands at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape
Canaveral, Florida April 20, 2010. (Photo: China Daily/Agencies)

According to NASA TV, Discovery and its seven astronauts landed at 9:08 a.m. EDT (1308 GMT). Earlier, rain and worries about fog forced NASA to skip Discvoery's first landing attempt this morning. Rain also thwarted Monday's tries.

Discovery lifted off on April 5, delivering eight tons of supplies and equipment to the station, including spare bunks for the occupants of the space station, a large tank of ammonia coolant and seven racks filled with science experiments.

Discovery's mission is the 33rd shuttle mission to the station. Three flights to the station remain before the shuttles retire in 2010.