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"Road to Revival" debuted in Beijing

2009-09-30 09:02 BJT

Special Report: 60th Anniversary of PRC |

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The music and dance epic "Road to Revival", has been performed for China's top leaders and Beijing residents, at the Great Hall of the People. The show has been playing for eight days, to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of new China.

The Great Hall of the People was the location for the song and dance drama "Road to Revival".

China's President Hu Jintao, former President, Jiang Zemin, and other top leaders, accompanied audience members to the sound of cheers.

They watched the music epic with Beijing residents from all walks of life. The show takes a retrospective look at the struggle, and development of China over the past 169 years and presents a revived chronicle of the Chinese nation on stage. The five act drama was performed by more than thirty-two hundred people.

"Road to Revival" is the third song and dance epic created since the founding of new China. The first two include, "The East is Red" first performed in 1964, and "Ode to Chinese Revolution" in 1984.

The stage drama traces the country's history from the Opium Wars, to major war time battles, the founding of new China, reconstruction of the republic, and rescue missions during the 1998 flood, and last year's Wenchuan earthquake.

There are also scenes representing the Beijing Olympic Games. China's different ethnic minorities also showcase their talents through song and dance.

Editor: Zhao Yanchen | Source: CCTV.com