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Full text of letter to Rebiya Kadeer by her family members

2009-08-03 16:52 BJT

Special Report: 7.5 Xinjiang Urumqi Riots |

URUMQI, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- Following is the full text of a letter to Rebiya Kadeer, written by her children living in China and signed by some of her relatives on July 24. The letter was originally written in Uygur language.

The photo taken on Aug. 2, 2009 shows a letter written by family members of Rebiya Kadeer to relatives of the victims in the riot in Urumqi on July 5. Family members of Rebiya Kadeer have asked her not to organize violence or undermine the peaceful life in Xinjiang, in letters made public on Monday. (Xinhua/Ding Lin)
The photo taken on Aug. 2, 2009 shows a letter written by family 
members of Rebiya Kadeer to relatives of the victims in the riot 
in Urumqi on July 5. Family members of Rebiya Kadeer have asked 
her not to organize violence or undermine the peaceful life in 
Xinjiang, in letters made public on Monday. (Xinhua/Ding Lin)

Dear mother,

This letter is written by your son Khahar and daughter Roxingul, together with your younger brother Memet Kadeer.

You once were the richest person in Xinjiang just because you were granted a lot of business opportunities and convenience by the Communist Party of China and the Government. But, despite repeated leniency of the Party and the Government, you ended up in prison under other people's enticement. You were allowed to go to the United States thanks to, once again, our government's leniency. You pledged to our government not to participate in any separatist activity before you departed for the United States. You broke your words anyway.

Mother! We all long for a stable life. In Xinjiang, which is like a big family to people of different ethnic groups, none of us has ever experienced a violent incident as cruel as what happened on July 5 (in Urumqi). Because of you, so many innocent people lost their lives in Urumqi on July 5, and so many houses, shops and vehicles were burnt or damaged. The harmony and unity among ethnic groups were undermined. Why does this happen?