9,831 confirmed A/H1N1 cases worldwide

2009-05-19 13:57 BJT


Special Report: World tackles A/H1N1 flu |

World Health Organization and government data shows that by 9 am Tuesday Beijing time, cases of the A/H1-N1 flu had been confirmed in nearly ten-thousand patients in 42 countries and regions.

The United States has the most, with over 5-thousand cases confirmed, and 5 deaths. Mexico has 70 confirmed deaths and Canada and Costa Rica have each confirmed one death from the infection.

Japan has surpassed Spain and Britain, and ranks forth having confirmed 163 people with the disease. Greece confirmed on Monday its first A/H1N1 case. The patient is a Greek citizen who returned from the United States last Saturday.

Editor: Zhang Yun | Source: CCTV.com