Shuttle analysis reveals tile scratches

2009-05-14 13:06 BJT


US space agency NASA has says the US space shuttle Atlantis has apparently been hit by a piece of debris. It collided with part of its heat shield but damage seems to be very minor. Atlantis and its seven-member crew blasted off from Florida on Monday.

They are on an 11-day mission to repair the Hubble Space Telescope. Early analysis of images relayed by the crew reveal a scratch about 21 inches long across four heat-resistant ceramic tiles. NASA told the Atlantis crew there might be a need for additional inspections.

The Atlantis astronauts spent Tuesday panning a sensor-studded boom over the ship's wings and nose cone. This is a routine task on all shuttle missions since the Columbia accident. NASA has a second shuttle on the launch pad ready to mount a rescue if needed. Atlantis is due to reach the Hubble Telescope on Wednesday.

Editor: Yang Jie | Source: