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——Confucius Institute in Quebec, Canada

CCTV.com  2008年12月12日 18:24  進入復興論壇  來源:  

(3) 漢語教師培訓班 The special course: The Certificate for Teaching Chinese as Second Language


    The course is specially designed for the prospects that Chinese will be taught in a wide range in Quebec school systems and large number of teachers will be needed. Since summer 2008, close to 50 students have successfully completed the course, which was mainly taught by the visiting professor from Beijing Normal University, and received the teaching certificate from the Institute.

(4) 各類活動 The Activities

1. 2007年12月,組織了領養兒童家長歡度新年活動, 約有200多名家長和被領養的孩子參加了活動;

Dec. 2007, the Institute participated in the New Year celebration, organized by the local society of parents who adopted children from China. More than 200 parents and their adopted children were there;

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